
DigitalEthic - Reflection Paper 5

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"When workplace monitoring, behavioral analytics, and employee privacy collide", Terri Williams, Nov. 11, 2016



A Logical Workplace




    “While the courts tend to consistently side with organizations when it comes to questions of workplace privacy (meaning legally, employees have little right to an expectation of privacy), depending on the nature of the employment relationship (at will or contractual) and the organization's own internal written policies and procedures, an employee may actually have a contractual right to privacy,” Westover explains.


What do you think is it all about:


             It is all about the use of companies of workplace monitoring in relation to worker's privacy.


Reflection Proper:


              With the companies' inclining of workplace monitoring, it is understandable that they just want to improve the productivity in their working environment. With these Companies can know the employees that give a lot of work ethic, in here they can manage their resilience to impairment that they can experience in the employment and working environment itself, but is it also  a ethical if companies if they implement this to their employees? which can also neglect the worker's privacy.  There are still many things to consider if a company will implement workplace monitoring. It could be better if it will be mutual for the company and workers. There are a lot of kinds of workplace monitoring, and most of them are with the use of technological communication devices, like e-mail, telephone, cellphone, instant messaging, social media, and etc., the company can impede to the communication and can infringe the privacy in it. It is finer if they go with the traditional one like CCTV cameras and implementation of working devices that is allowable to use only in working purposes, because it is not also practical if they have all access with all the workers' resources. Like what has been said in the article, All authorization must are fundamentally clear and viable for all the workers as it is to be fully implemented. Everything must deal with culture and camaraderie in companies. It must be complied with the paradigms that will influence them to do what is prudent for all of them in the institution, that to help them, do what is right or what can abide the policies even without workplace monitoring. And with these they can have a good working environment.


5 Things That I've Learned


> The workers must follow the policies of their company well.


> The company / employers must also give a good administering treatment to their workers.


> They workers and company must be altruistic and rightful with one another.


> The technologies use for workplace must be used accordingly to the work.


> The company must not irrational interfere with the worker's private work.


5 Integrative Questions


> What is workplace monitoring?


> What are the effects of workplace monitoring?


> How can the company manage there worker's well even they don't need detect it?


> How can the company must not disregard the private working place for their worker?


> How can workers can follow the clear and attainable policies of their company?














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